An Everyday Person’s Guide to Understanding
Justice and the Role of the Church in Our Society
by Bryan Hudson, D.Min.
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"A Nation Founded on Christian Principles? Beyond Narratives to the Actual Story"
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Book Introduction
by Bryan Hudson, D.Min.
Watch the re-play of Bryan Hudson's commentary on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's Letter From the Birmingham Jail.
On the Martin Luther King holiday, one of the best things we can do is read, consider, and act on the actual writing of Dr. King.
We will gain clarity and understanding for today from Chapter Seven by my book: "Justice, What Is It? An Everyday Person's Guide to Understanding Justice and the Role of the Church"
You can follow this link to the Atlantic Magazine to read the entire letter originally published August, 1963. It is a long, but very important read.
Topics Covered From Rev. Dr. King's Letter From the Birmingham Jail
Preparing to Respond
Not One Man, an Inevitable Force for Change
Principles of Action
A Network of Mutuality
Philosophical Foundation
Why We Won’t Wait
Two Kinds of Laws
Unjust Laws Damage the Soul
Dismantling Injustice Arguments
Genuine Law and Order
Examples of Civil Disobedience
The Sacrifices of Leaders
Martin Luther King, the Pastor
Using Christ to Hinder Fellow Christians
Loss of Authenticity for the American Church
Looking for the “church Within the Church
Oppression Cannot Continue
Confidence in the Promise of America
Optimism in the Face of Despair
Justice = Righteousness Discussion Series
PART FOUR: Understanding The Context of Juneteenth
The Emancipation Proclamation and General Order No. 3 issued by President Abraham Lincoln had no force of law in every state without the 13th Amendment. Juneteenth puts this all in context, also known as our country's second Independence Day. The Civil War ended in April of 1865. Texas kept people enslaved until of June 19, 1865 when the Union General Gordon Granger and army arrived.
The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was needed to overrule states that wanted to disregard the Proclamation and keep slavery in place. It was ratified on ratified on December 6, 1865. The celebration known to African Americans as "Juneteenth" that became a federal holiday on June 17, 2021.
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Pleased to be the guest of Len Edgerly on the national The Kindle Chronicles podcast. We talked about Kindle tech, Black Lives Matter, racial reconciliation, my book "Biblical & Social Justice: What is it?" Check it out!

Jerry Miah Williams, J.D., Ph.D.
There have been a multitude of books written on the subject of Justice in order to inform the reader, but few, if any, have been published to transform the reader. Dr. Bryan Hudson’s book—Biblical & Social Justice, What Is It?—has immeasurable transformative value, as a guide for the “everyday person” and any reader to understand Biblical justice and the role of the Church in our society. The author challenges the Church and its followers to actively engage the fight while living out the principles of Biblical justice and the righteousness of social justice. The book presents relevant insights, perspectives, and “food for thought” and real motivation for positive change in society.
Biblical & Social Justice, What Is It? gives us the opportunity to right wrongs of the past; to repent and rebuild towards a better future for us and our children. I highly recommend this book to those who are ready to embrace the truth, change, and strive for progress!

Malcolm D. Magee, Ph.D.
Professor, University of Maryland Global Campus, Europe
It is a rare occasion when a book comes along that feeds both your mind and soul. This book does exactly that. With scholarly skill, and plain spoken language, Bryan Hudson speaks to the current situation in our country. This book draws its strength, however, not merely from current experience, but from an accurately focused understanding of our history. The commentary on Dr. King’s, Letter From a Birmingham Jail, is worth the price of the book, and it is but one gem in this storehouse. Reading this will compel not only attention but action as well.

Stephen E. Gardner, Ed.D.
The Christian Church has stood on the sidelines confounded and divided at times when it comes to understanding its role and the proper application of justice. On the one hand, Evangelical believers lack consensus about its perception and practice. On the other hand, Roman Catholics, are more unified in their perspective on social justice, through the teachings of Thomas Aquinas’ system of ethics, which is fundamental to modern Catholic social teaching. However, in the book “Biblical & Social Justice: What Is It?” Dr. Hudson delivers exactly what the subtitle states, “An Everyday Person’s Guide to Understanding Justice and Role of the Church in Society.”
This book is written in the style where the person sitting in the pew or the person leading their congregation from the sacred desk can easily understand the meaning, the challenges, and the application of justice. Dr. Hudson explores both historical and contemporary matters that pertain to justice in the church and justice in society. Regardless of your Christian denomination, you will leave from reading these pages inspired, and possessed with a renewed sense of commitment to the church’s call to justice.

Kenneth E. Sullivan, Sr. Ph.D.
Byan Hudson has given us a compelling resource exploring the distinction between Biblical and social justice and how they connect and function. Confusion about what Biblical justice is and whether it should, or should not, intentionally affect social justice is an issue that is still being hotly debated in Christian circles and has resulted in a kind of paralysis among some Christian segments. Hudson makes the persuasive argument that social justice is the outworking of true Biblical justice and that true Christianity, lived the way Jesus advocated, does not exist in a vacuum. This book is timely, relevant, and carries the conversation about justice forward, especially during this season when the attention of the world is drawn to this important subject.
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